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Our News
Sunday, 15 September 2013
24th EGPL Annual Reunion and EPLO Board of Directors Meeting 2013
The 2013 Annual Reunion of the European Group of Public Law (EGPL), themed "Public Law and Solidarity" took place on the Greek island of Spetses, at the premises of the Anargyreios Korgialeneios School of Spetses, on 13 and 14 September.
For the 24th consecutive year, public law academics, High Court judges and public law practitioners from all over the world, gathered for the Reunion of the European Group of Public Law, that serves as the European Scientific Council of the EPLO.
The conference theme was examined during four sessions. The first session involved an exploration of solidarity as a political issue, the second session solidarity as a legal concept, and the third session solidarity between nations. Case studies comprised the fourth session.
During the conference, the Group members granted the Thesis Prize, an award offered by the EGPL to the best doctoral or postdoctoral thesis characterized by its European dimension, to Dr. Fabien Le Bot for his thesis "Le principe de l'équilibre institutionnel en droit de l'Union européenne" and Dr. Anoeska Buijze for her thesis "The Principle of Transparency in EU Law".
With the presence of representatives of States, Universities, Public Authorities and International Organizations – Members of the European Public Law Organization (EPLO) – the annual meeting of the EPLO Board of Directors took place a day before the EGPL Annual Reunion, on Thursday, 12 September 2013 at the EPLO premises in Sounion, Greece.
Prof. Spyridon Flogaitis, EPLO Director, opened the meeting and welcomed the Members of the Board. The first topic on the meeting's agenda was the announcement of the new Board members, namely the Comenius University of Bratislava, Leiden University bringing the total number of Members to 2 International Organizations, 13 States, 3 Public Authorities and 63 Universities and Institutes.
Next, an overview of the educational and training activities of the EPLO, including, among other, the newly established Academy of Transparency and Human Rights, the long-standing Academy of European Public Law and the distance-learning program for Greek civil servants, were presented.
An overview of the research and institution building activities of the Organization was next presented, followed by discussion of further EPLO activities in the framework of international agreements. Among them, the cooperation of the Organization with the Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan was highlighted. Discussion on financial and administrative matters concluded the meeting.
The Board members shared the conclusion that the annual activity of the Organization was satisfying and consistent with its objectives.

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- Entities
- European Law & Governance School
- Academy of European Public Law
- Academy for Transparency and Human Rights
- European Institute of Management and Governance
- Institute for Justice and Growth (IJG)
- Training Institute for Law & Governance
- Institute for Humanities and Culture - Nicos Svoronos
- Institute for the Mediterranean
- Institute for Regulatory Innovation, Delivery and Effectiveness (IRIDE)
- Brčko National School of Public Administration (BNSPA)
- The Institute for Privacy Law, Data Protection and Technology (IPL)
- Institute for Sustainable Development
- Circular Economy and Climate Institute
- Institute for Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation (ΙPRI)
- Tax and Accounting Academy
- Institute on Crime & Criminal Justice (ICCJ)
- Center for Gender and Equality Policy Studies (CEGEPS)
- REI - Regional Environmental Institute
- Institute for Global Health Emergencies Response (IGHER)
- Institute for Transparency & Fundamental Rights
- Institute of Sustainable Water Management and Water Law
- European Institute for Criminal Law and Criminal Justice System
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- Manuel Chrysoloras International Lecture Series
- Revision Of The Hellenic Constitution Series
- The Discussions Of Janus
- Court Of Audit Lecture Series
- Bucharest Lecture Series
- Odessa Lecture Series
- Wolfson College, Cambridge Sir David Williams -European Legal Dialogues
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