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Wednesday, 23 November 2022
IBF and EPLO help strengthening the Intellectual Property Rights system in Kosovo
The European Public Law Organization (EPLO) and IBF International Consulting have successfully completed the project “EU Support to the Intellectual Property Rights System in Kosovo”, funded by the European Union Office in Kosovo.
The project, which had a duration of three and half years and a value of 1.9 million EUR, has worked with Kosovo ministries and institutions to improve the protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Kosovo and align the relevant legislation to the latest EU acquis.
The cooperation has led to the adoption of a new legislation on Patents, Industrial Designs, Trademarks, Trade Secrets, and Topographies of Semiconductor Products, while the legislation on Copyright and Related Rights was drafted, and is expected to soon reach the Assembly for adoption. The project has also provided specialised training to over 330 officials, and raised public awareness on the important benefits of protecting these rights for businesses and the public at large.
The successful conclusion of the project was celebrated during a Closing Event held in Pristina on November 23, 2022, attended by high-level representatives of the Kosovo Government, the European Union, partner organizations and stakeholders.
While speaking at the event, Mr. Alessandro Bianciardi, Deputy Head of Cooperation Section at the European Union Office in Kosovo congratulated the Kosovo institutions for their progress in better aligning the Kosovo legislation with the latest EU acquis on IPR. “I am happy to say that intellectual property rights have achieved incredible advances recently in Kosovo and this is all thanks to the outstanding efforts from the institutions responsible who have hosted the EU experts in the best possible way. For all these achievements, I congratulate you. The European Union takes pride in being part of this process”.
Mr. Mentor Arifaj, Deputy Minister of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade, also praised the achievements of the project, stating: “During this period of implementation the project faced the pandemic, however, it has achieved distinct and significant results in several components: the legal component, in raising administrative capacities as well as in raising awareness of intellectual property”.
On behalf of the project consortium, Mr. Aaron Imperiale, Director of the Technical Cooperation Unit at IBF, emphasized: “Today we come together to celebrate the wonderful achievements that were made during this project, including the number of laws on intellectual property that were harmonized with EU legislation, numerous training and capacity building activities”. Mr. Andrea De Maio, Director for Technical Cooperation at the EPLO, further added: “Kosovo now after four years has a stronger system of protection of intellectual property rights, which is vital to promote investment, innovation, creativity, and economic growth”.
During the Event, a video was projected showing several testimonials from the beneficiary institutions of the project, including the Industrial Property Agency, the Copyright and Related Rights Office, the Kosovo Customs, the Academy of Justice, the Kosovo Police, and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The video testimonials are available at this link.
The project developed also a comprehensive website on the Intellectual Property Rights system in Kosovo at the address www.pronesiaintelektuale.com, which features a broad collection of Handbooks, Manuals, Guidelines, Animations and other publications for practitioners and stakeholders.
See also the press release of the European Union Office in Kosovo available here.