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Tuesday, 30 May 2023
Greek STAND-UP training: New technologies in the fight against crimes and hate speech
On the 29th & 30th of May 2023, STAND-UP training activities were implemented in Athens, at the EPLO offices at the Roman Agora, focusing on the topic of New Technologies in the fight against crimes and hate speech.
Through interactive, experiential, practical & blended learning methods with joint modules of synchronous learning, training’s overall aim focused on providing theoretical and practical knowledge regarding a) the phenomena of hate crimes & hate speech, b) the relevant Greek national legal framework & c) victims support within the frame of the European Directive on Victims' Rights, thereby helping participants to create & strengthen their intermediary collaboration for supporting such victims.
Training’s target group was public authorities (judiciaries, ministries, prosecutors), Law Enforcement Agents (LEAs), like policy officers, and members of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) active in the field of combating hate crime and hate speech.
During the training 66 representatives from the above-mentioned groups were trained and were able to familiarise themselves with advanced & tailor-made tools developed within the frame of the project, while also using Virtual Reality technology.
More specifically, participants were be able to:
- Deepen their knowledge upon the hate speech and crimes phenomena and the relevant legislative framework in Greece.
- Use automated Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) monitoring mechanisms, while having access to Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) platforms, related reporting tools & educational material.
- Exchange good practises of cooperation and experiences, strengthening & cultivating their in between collaboration, communication channels and trust.
- Strengthen the support provided to victims of hate crime and hate speech, based on the European Directive on Victims' Rights.
The project is co-funded by the European Commission Directorate General for Justice and Consumers under Grant number: 101049532. It is coordinated by Procura della Repubblica di Trento (Italy) with partners the Prosecution office of Venice (Italy), Fondazione Agenfor International (Italy), Fundación Euroárabe de Altos Estudios (Spain), European Public Law Organization (Greece), Greek National Commission for Human Rights (Greece), Association Des Agences de la Démocratie Locale (France).
tags: STAND UP project, trainings, judges, judicial officials, new technologies, fight against crime

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