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Tuesday, 10 January 2023
Meeting of the EPLO Global Rule of Law Commission in Portugal (Cascais).
Inaugural Meeting of the EPLO Global Rule of Law Commission in Portugal (Cascais).
The Inaugural Meeting of the Global Rule of Law Commission of the EPLO in Cascais, opened with an inaugural ceremony at the headquarters of the EPLO Branch in Portugal, Casa de Santa Maria, Cascais, on Tuesday 10th of January at 10.00 am.
The welcome addresses were given by Dr. Tiago Antunes, Secretary of State for European Affairs, followed by Mr. Miguel de Serpa Soares, Under-Secretary General and Legal Counsel of the United Nations.
The EPLO Global Rule of Law Commission, composed by personalities from all parts of the world, according to the principle of geographical representation, will develop a comprehensive Global concept of the Rule of Law with respect to Universal Values and diversity in a dialogue of civilizations.
The EPLO Global Rule of Law Commission shall be open to receive information from any part, for the state of the Rule of Law around the world. The Commission members shall not have political considerations in pursuing the execution of their duties and shall not have sanction powers of any kind. The commission operates from the EPLO Headquarters in Cascais, Portugal.
This meeting follows the official announcement of the initiative to the 6th Committee of the United Nations, New York, on 10 November, where the EPLO has permanent observer status to the General Assembly.
The video of the Opening ceremony can be found here https://youtu.be/nHoB4u7qX9E
tags: Global Rule of law commission, rule-of-law, inaugural meeting

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