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Monday, 14 February 2022
Visit of the Armenian Ambassador H.E. Mr Tigran Mkrtchyan at EPLO to discuss Scholarships for Armenian Students
In view of the recent initiative of the EPLO to offer full and partial scholarships for the European Law and Governance School (a University ran by the EPLO in Athens Greece) addressed to Armenian and other country students, H. E. the Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to the Hellenic Republic, Mr Tigran Mkrtchyan, visited the EPLO on February 10, 2022 to meet and discuss the potential with Ms Panoraia Spiliopoulou, EPLO Director General for Education and Ms Sandra Manioudaki, EPLO Director of Marketing Communications.
During the meeting, the EPLO presented the European Law and Governance School (www.elgs.eu), a International University School run by EPLO, focusing on European Law and Governance which for the ELGS is a combination of three disciplines, namely, Political Science, Public Administration and International Relations. The ELGS’ mission is to create a generation of youth that will disseminate the idea, culture and values of Europe throughout the world. The vision of the ELGS is to educate a generation of youth all over the world and will thus prepare themselves to serve their nations in the better understanding Europe, doing business with Europe and promoting their national interests within the Brussels context. The School offers undergraduate, postgraduate and research degrees up to the PhD level. The Scholarships are addressed to a number of countries -among which is Armenia- as the ELGS wishes to expand its representation to wider audiences.
EPLO representatives told the Ambassador that in 2022 the school offers 20 full and 20 partial scholarships for the ELGS undergraduate level of studies and an equal amount for the ELGS postgraduate level of studies. Armenian Students can attend both online and in situ and the call is also addressed to those who wish to attend the ELGS in parallel with their current studies. Prospective students should apply online at elgs.eu stating within their application form that they wish to apply for the Armenian Students’ Scholarship. All applicants of Armenian origin are eligible to apply (including Armenian diaspora representatives). The courses will be conducted in English.
Ambassador Tigran Mkrtchyan thanked EPLO for the generous offer and promised to disseminate the information about the school and the offered scholarship in Armenia, as well as encourage students to apply for the program. The ambassador said that political science, public administration, international relations and European Law are all highly applied courses in Armenia and he believes that there will be much interest by Armenian universities and Armenian students alike.
T: +30 211311 0671

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- Entities
- European Law & Governance School
- Academy of European Public Law
- Academy for Transparency and Human Rights
- European Institute of Management and Governance
- Institute for Justice and Growth (IJG)
- Training Institute for Law & Governance
- Institute for Humanities and Culture - Nicos Svoronos
- Institute for the Mediterranean
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- Brčko National School of Public Administration (BNSPA)
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