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Friday, 19 July 2024
Digital Transformation in Jordan supported by the Italian Cooperation and EPLO
The Institute of Public Administration of Jordan (IPA) has launched a large-scale capacity-building program for Civil Servants aimed at enhancing Digital Transformation in Public Administration.
The program is the first of its kind to be implemented in Jordan and focuses on strengthening the capacities of Civil Servants to design, develop, and manage effective Digital Transformation strategies and policies for the Public Administration.
The innovative Training Program was developed with the assistance of the project “Support to the Institute of Public Administration of Jordan”, implemented by the European Public Law Organization (EPLO) in partnership with the Italian National School of Administration (SNA). Funding for the project is provided by the Government of Italy through the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS).
The program is one of the priority measures foreseen by the Public Sector Modernization Roadmap of Jordan: The roadmap specifically requires the development and delivery of a training program for the digital skills of public sector leaders and employees in order to support Digital Transformation initiatives and processes in Jordan.
The Training Program on Digital Transformation was developed with the support of experienced international and Jordanian experts, following an in-depth training needs analysis and piloting phase. The delivery of the training started in February 2024 and will be completed by January 2025. The program targets three different groups of officials in the Public Administration: i) Secretaries-General and Director-Generals; ii) Managers and Heads of Sections; and iii) Functional Administrators and Technical Employees. Overall, 152 training sessions will be delivered in the framework of the program, representing over 590 days of training. The training will be delivered to more than 900 public officials in total from various Ministries, Departments and Agencies across the Government of Jordan.
The program incorporates separate training curricula specifically designed for each of the three target groups. In particular, the curriculum for Secretaries-General and Director-Generals focuses on equipping these senior officials with the competencies and skills to design and plan Digital Transformation Policies and Strategies, leverage Artificial Intelligence and Data-Driven approaches, foster a culture of innovation and provide effective leadership. The curriculum for Managers aims to provide the officials with the knowledge to manage Digital Transformation projects and Digital Government services design and delivery, as well as the capacity to monitor and evaluate the impact of Digital Government services. On the other hand, the training for Functional Administrators focuses on enabling Civil Servants to employ digital technologies in their daily work and to deliver public services utilising digital technologies.
The implementation of the Training Program is expected to support the Government of Jordan in its endeavours to advance Digital Transformation in the Public Administration in line with the objectives of the Modernization Vision of Jordan, including the development of Digital Government services, improving public service delivery to citizens, facilitating online transactions, enhancing access to Government information, and developing innovative digital services for specific sectors (e.g. Healthcare, Education, etc.).
The Training Program is organized under the auspices and with the support of the Public Sector Modernization Program Management and Implementation Unit of the Office of the Prime Minister of Jordan, and in coordination with the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship (MODEE).
The project “Support to the Institute of Public Administration of Jordan” aims to support the IPA in strengthening its institutional and organizational capacities to effectively carry out its mandate. In this view, the 23-month project is providing technical assistance to enhance the Institute’s capacities, support to improve its training programs, and organize training of trainers’ courses.